This is how you play the “Eat M&M’s Game”
You need chopsticks and M&M’s. We used one snack size bag per person, but more is good too.
Someone says go. Then you try to get the chopsticks to hold a lot of candy. Don’t use your fingers. Put the candy in a pile by you. You play until all the M&M’s are gone. You count how many M&M’s you have. Whoever has the most M&M’s is the winner!
After you play the game (a few times), you split the M&M’s into equal piles and then eat them. For more fun, eat the candy with the chopsticks!
You should bring this game for our Table Fellowship this coming Sunday. We will get the M&Ms if you bring some chopsticks!
That sounds fun!!
Fun! Who beat?
Daddy won!