Aunt Bonnie brought this bike for me to play with while in Colorado. I liked it a lot! I played on it most everyday, except for when it was freezing or wet.
At first Mommy wanted me to ride up and down were someone could see me. One day, I realized the Andrea could see me while working on the roof. I wanted to see how far I could ride before anyone noticed me. Andrea saw me and ran after me. Then she made me ride back. I still beat her to the cattle guard.
Mommy and Daddy said I could ride to the cattle guard as much as I wanted then. Unfortunately, we had to go home soon.
Looks like fun, Megan.
Very cool! I know to cousins who would have love to chase you in that bike 😉
That bike came from another neighbor, Nancy. It was a bike that her dad gave to her sister for her grandkids to enjoy. All their grandchildren are too big for it now. So Aunt Bonnie got it from Nancy for our grandchildren to enjoy. Now, when they come to visit us in Elkhart, they can have fun riding it. 🙂 It is a nice strong trike. Thank you to Nancy for the trike!
Thank you Miss Nancy! The bike is a lot of fun!