Audrey is teaching me how to snow board. I like it!
Author: Megan McGuire
Eat with Chop Sticks Day
This is how you play the “Eat M&M’s Game”
You need chopsticks and M&M’s. We used one snack size bag per person, but more is good too.
Someone says go. Then you try to get the chopsticks to hold a lot of candy. Don’t use your fingers. Put the candy in a pile by you. You play until all the M&M’s are gone. You count how many M&M’s you have. Whoever has the most M&M’s is the winner!
After you play the game (a few times), you split the M&M’s into equal piles and then eat them. For more fun, eat the candy with the chopsticks!
Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast
Today is Daddy’s half birthday. And it is “eat ice cream for breakfast day”.
So Daddy surprised us and we had ice cream on our waffles! Isn’t my Daddy wonderful?
Prince Thor
This is Prince Thor. Flopsy is holding the canopy so Prince Thor does not get hot. Squire Paul is helping the Prince defeat the enemy.
Princess Grace was captured by the fire breathing evil dog Nala. Prince Thor came and rescued her and tied the evil villain up to a tree and put a bucket of water on her so she could not breathe fire anymore.
So now they are heading back to the McGuire Castle for an ice cream party to celebrate. They are going to have peanut butter and chocolate ice cream!
Trying Something New
Oma brought us some sprinkles for on toast when she went to Bonaire last year.
Some of them look like mini mini marshmallows. Some are like shredded pieces of chocolate. And the others are like chocolate sprinkles for on donuts.
We had them for lunch today. I did not like the shredded ones, but they were Andrea’s favorite. The others were good too, but the pink and yellow ones were VERY sweet.
Just for fun we looked it some words. Hagelslag means hailstorm. Vlokken is shavings and vruchten hagel are the fruit flavored ones. We learned there are some licorice flavored ones called muisjes which means little mice. Daddy and I might like those!
Thank you Oma and Opa for the special treat.
Cowgirl Megan
This is me in my colorful flowered jeans, my cowgirl shirt that is white with flowers, and Mark’s cowboy hat. I am wearing my sparkly cowgirl boots too.
I don’t know who the horse is. She is a friendly horse I met on the road.
World Snowman Day
My self portrait snowman! 🙂
Rainy Morning
It was a very rainy morning.
Jump in Puddle
…and get your friend wet day!Momma really did not like me getting her wet, so I got Adrian wet!
Playing with Nora
I like playing with my cousin Nora. She moved and lives close to us now! She helped me make this snowman.Me and Nora were going sledding. Since we don’t have a hill, we used Audrey to pull us. It was as much fun as going down hill, but not as fast. Next time, we will try to get Audrey to run.
Then we came inside and Andrea read to us after lunch.