Learning to Make Candy!

Momma said I was big enough to learn to make simple candy.  Here is my recipe.

Melt a good tasting chocolate.  Add a few handfuls of chopped nuts; I like walnuts best. Then mix in small marshmallows or cut up large ones.  We tried the dehydrated ones this time and we like them better than the white ones.  The candy is crunchy.

Put them in the freezer to get hard.  Break them into smaller pieces.

Then you eat the candy!  But they taste better if you share first.


I got to use the leaf blower to blow leaves. It was heavy!  I could hardly lift it. I was trying by myself and Audrey was watching and helping me when I needed it.

We were trying to clean the yard of all the leaves and make a HUGE leaf pile.

We made a leaf pile, but it rained and they are not fun to play in right now.

Throwing Practice

Last Saturday we went to Five Medals, a place with lots of fun stuff. You can learn a lot of history there. It was fun.

There was an ax throwing station. Momma, Daddy and Andrea, and Uncle Josh and Auntie Angie and Oma and Opa all got to do it.  No one else could because they were too young. I asked everyone to do it by blinking my eyes and asking sweetly “please?” If Mark could have been there, I would have gotten him to do it too!

Everyone did pretty good. Auntie Angie and Oma did not make the ax stick.  But they tried hard! Daddy and Opa got two in on their first tries!  I wish I was old enough to try!


On Tuesday, I helped with a little kids pumpkin carving class.  It was a lot of fun.  We got to bring home a lot of pumpkin seeds no one wanted. We made pumpkin seeds changing Mark’s basic recipe.

I really, really like it! I made a Jack-o-lantern out of an extra pumpkin!

Boil 2 cups clean pumpkin seeds about 10 minutes.  Drain well.  Mix in

  • 3 Tbl butter
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp Salt (+/-to taste)
  • 1/2 tsp Adobo spice (or seasoned salt)
  • 3 tsp Worcestershire sauce (we substituted this with 1 Tbl each of lime juice, molasses, apple cider vinegar, honey, garlic powder and onion powder.  Add 3 dashes hot sauce, 1/4 tsp chili powder.)

Bake at 300 degrees for 40 minutes stirring occasionally till dry and brown.

OR bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes till dry.

The other batch we made sweet using cinnamon and sugar and a favorite pumpkin pie spice.  Just mix 3 Tbl of butter with the spices to taste.  Add a little salt and bake.




For my birthday, I got to go tubing!  It was fun.  The water was mostly splashing and the tube usually went up and down.

Uncle Dave took us for the ride. Sometimes he was really fast!

Adrian went with Andrea after and they went very fast.  Lots faster than with me. Once they did a very tall bump. I think I would have liked that bump.

I would like to go tubing again.  I could not go again at camp because it was almost time for dinner.