Candy Cane Seeds

It started when I wrote a letter to Santa at the library. I asked if we could have lots of packing snow. If we got snow and made snowmen, the reindeer could have the carrots except one of the carrots would be plastic. I also asked for some candy cane seeds.

A few years ago we got candy cane seeds. I did not remember them though. The big kids remembered and said they were fun.

If you want to see the first time we did it, you will notice the seeds have changed since then. I think they have been perfecting the perfect candy cane or it was a different type. Even the packaging is updated and prettier, except I really liked the bright red envelope the first seeds came in. Unfortunately, there were only five seeds each time.

On Christmas Eve, I got a package in the mail. It had a Candy Cane Seed Kit from Santa! When I opened it, I found five seeds, fertilizer, dirt and instructions.

I followed the directions. They started sprouting two days later. Then they grew a lot and very quickly!

Today they were large and falling over. They do not seem to have roots, so we got to pick them! Mark took one to school with him. And the neat thing was, the dirt tastes good too! Like peppermint and chocolate together.

The only bad part was, there are not anymore seeds to try again. Maybe next year.

Going Sledding

On Monday and Tuesday we got nine inches of snow. Some places were a little more! We wanted to go sledding but the roads looked terrible! The snow plow went by and Momma said “if the roads are good, we can go!” The roads were good!

We had lots and lots of fun sledding. Whenever we went down the hill, the snow would fly up in our faces! I did not like it the first time, but after that was fine.

We went sledding for more than an hour. Then we played “King of the Hill”. I was the last one still up there. I won! (I “always” win 🙂 )